Tuesday 4 December 2012

No dreams, just realisations

I know I said in my previous post that I would fill you all in on my cheese induced dreams, but I'm sad to report that instead of dreaming under a deep sleep, I found it really hard to fall asleep at all. Was still feeling down in the dumps about a certain boy. Until I was in work today that is. I am now feeling hell of a lot better about my life as a single girl because my life could be ten times worse.

In work we run a campaign every Christmas collecting toys and donations for underprivileged children who probably won't be receiving any gifts for any number of reasons. Myself and two colleagues were in charge of taking the donations to the local supermarket and basically clearing the shelves of toys and other gifts. It really put my life into perspective; I grew up wanting for nothing, with a family who loved me, and now I have the most amazing friends who care for me as well  Yes, I am lacking on the loving man front but I really could not give two hoots.

This Christmas, instead of thinking how lonely it is to not have a boyfriend, I will open my presents, eat my turkey, play games with my family and get drunk with the girls all in the knowledge that our donations and gifts have put a smile on the face of a child somewhere in Caerphilly.

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