Monday 17 December 2012

Google maps is NOT the best...

According to The Lonely Island:
Today I have proved them wrong and although I have always sworn my hatred of a sat nav, I'm beginning to re-think my navigational needs. 

I had to drive to what can only be described as the back of beyond for work and Google maps thought it would be fun to let me drive in a massive, unnecessary circle to reach my destination, adding twenty uncomfortable minutes on to an already awkward car journey with a colleague.

As I was driving through, I played a little game in my mind. 

I am in my car and all that I can see
Twelve truants mitching
Eleven alchys drinking
Ten kids-a-smoking
Nine Nana's swearing
Eight bins overflowing 
Seven drunks-a-singing
Six cars-a-burning
Four dressing gowns
Three police men
Two tanned loves
And a van doing 60 in a 20*

*Disclaimer: I won't hear a bad word said about The Valleys by MTV or anyone else, but I enjoy making up songs in my head - especially to the tune of a Christmas jingle. 

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