Wednesday 6 April 2011

Virtually Wigging Out

Urban Dictionary Definition: To wig out is to throw a huge fit.
My language: To wig out is to try on lots of wigs.

I have a new favourite thing. The genius people at have provided me with the opportunity to try on wigs in the comfort of my own home. They are wigs of the virtual persuasion so it's hard to put them on just right, and the only half decent front facing photo I had of myself is with my hair down but no matter!!! I have still just discovered my new favourite past time; trying on celebrities hair and laughing hysterically at the outcome.

I started off, in all seriousness, attempting to find out if I would suit a fringe. My friend had told me ever so delicately when I had asked if I should have one cut in, "No, your forehead is too big." And the only thing I found out was that this application was going to provide me with a healthy dose of nature's best medicine. And I don't mean Cod Liver Oil.
"Wow! You have an uncanny resemblance to Reese Witherspoon."
Next I tried to go dark:
Amy Winehouse: before she turned to drugs.
This hairstyle belonged to Snooki from Jersey Shore!! I suppose if you squint and use your imagination you can see a likeness. Maybe fiddle with your monitor's brightness a little so that my skin takes on a nice tangerine hue if the imagination thing doesn't work.

After trying out a few crazy hairstyles:
Nicki Minaj reveals her less ostentatious taste in clothes. 
Lady Gaga gained a few pounds after quitting all
the elaborate dance routines.
I settled for the hairstyle that I am definitely going to ask my hairdresser to recreate next time I go to get my tresses snipped. It was Samantha's, from Sex and the City 2, 80s coiffure that took my fancy and I'm sure you can see why:
Bonnie Tyler returned to Swansea for some relaxation
 following her flawless face lift. 


  1. I like the Reese Witherspoon look best Em

  2. Thanks Mum. Thank you for specifically getting a google sign in just to comment on here=] I Love You xxxx


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