Monday 11 April 2011

A Tidy House is a Tidy Mind.

I have trouble keeping my flat tidy. I have always been the same. When I lived at home with my parents, my Mum would beg me to tidy my room, and instead I would shove all the carpet-covering clutter under my bed or into my wardrobe. Then when I moved into my house at University, I was lucky enough to live with people who had the same kind of mindset as me; why tidy, when you could be living instead?

Now that I live with my boyfriend in our little one-bedroom flat, I struggle more than ever to keep my junk at bay. Unfortunately we both seem to be hoarders and struggle to throw anything away. With Jack it is newspapers for some reason that he cannot bear to part with. He has copies of the Guardian dating back months  which are gathering dust in the corner of the living room.
Enough newspapers to wrap all of the fish and chips in Swansea.
But I cannot shout at him about it, because I am as bad, if not worse. My hoarding habits have made our bedroom such a shameful place that I have to shut the door on it, even if I am in the flat alone. I think that my obsession with keeping clothes which I haven't worn for years stems from my belief that one day I will be slim. This belief physically stops me from throwing any item of clothing away. What if I start losing weight? Then I will definitely need my six-year-old netball kit. I can use it as workout clothing. That saves me from buying new workout gear in my new, smaller size. All this hypothetical weight loss and working out means that I have to keep all my old clothes because as I'm losing weight they are bound to fit me again at one point, which will save me loads of money from not buying new clothes as I steadily drop down through the dress sizes.
The clothes were fed up of their cramped conditions
and were simply walking out in protest.
Of course, even if I was to lose weight, I am such a compulsive shopper that I will not end up saving any money from my cunning collection of clothes. I will simply buy even more clothes to add to my stockpile. Do I need help? I think I need a serious clear out but I don't want to simply chuck my clothes away, and I have a feeling they are a bit too worn to go to a charity shop. Any other suggestions???

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