Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Skint Setter Upper

2015 is set to be the year of dating according to my fabulous single friends.

As someone with a bit of experience of online dating (mostly good, occasionally horrifying), my fellow 'Single Ladies' tonight asked me to draft up profiles which will help them lure in the most handsome fishy out there. I feel like such a pimp!

It is always a nightmare writing about yourself, but I found it the easiest thing in the world coming up with witty and truthful profiles to advertise my best friends. Why is it that we can see other's charm and desirability so clearly, yet we look in the mirror and all we focus on is imperfection?

So while my own online dating profile is becoming stagnant through lack of use, tonight I became the Welsh version of the Millionaire Matchmaker.

These are the blurbs I provided for my friends - if you knew them I think you'd agree this sums each of them up perfectly. Who knew you only needed 3 sentences to convey someone's personality!

Friend 1
I work with children so I definitely don't want a childish guy.
I have two sisters so need a man's man; not someone who takes longer than me to get ready!
My friends would say I'm funny, lovable and just the right amount of weird.

Friend 2
I'm a nurse but I only wipe bums at work so please don't shit yourself in my company.
I work in A&E and have seen lots of crazy things so not much shocks me.
Must like dogs, the outdoors and banter - taking as well as giving!

So 2015 as a year for dating. It's actually the Chinese Year of the Sheep. As Welsh girls I think that's a sign!

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