Tuesday, 12 August 2014

5 things you learn when hunting for a home

As I am relocating to one of my favourite places in the world this September I have started the task of finding myself a gorgeous little apartment I can call my own. I've taken to pining over pinterest ideas of what my new home will look like, anticipating craftiness and vintage finds to make it unique and quirky. What I didn't anticipate was how tedious and tiring I would find actually sifting through the dozens of flats which should only be used as on location spots for horror movies.

Things I have learnt today traipsing around the South West include:

  1. In town centres, parking is a privilege only the rich can afford. You can expect to pay around £100 extra on rent per month just to park outside a flat grottier than 12 Grimmauld Place
  2. Size matters. I've said it before but this time I'm talking property. I saw places even a Hobbit would struggle to move around in. Claustrophobia central.
  3. Online photographs of an "immaculate" flat will not do justice to the reality of the place. 
  4. Blinding headaches are par for the course.
  5. Same goes for mouldy fridges and dirty toilet bowls.

Or drabulous??

Wish me luck for my next batch of viewings which I am yet to book through fear of the same experience!!

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