Thursday 22 November 2012

And in the red corner, weighing in at...

Well I'm not telling you that; its a ladies prerogative, but....

I lost 4.5lbs this week!!!

Even after the Chili Con Carnage that took place last Friday, I stepped onto those scales feeling confident knowing, that even with that mound of chili in my belly, I'd worked hard this week running the 10k on Sunday; swimming 50 lengths on Monday; running 3 miles yesterday. I'm turning into an exercise junkie. I'm sat here typing this with sopping wet hair after a nice swim to celebrate losing 6lbs altogether now.

Worried I'm going to become one of those sad women who go on a diet and that's all I can talk about so I'm going to keep this short.... but I'm giving myself a big pat on the back!

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