Thursday 5 May 2011

Help me with my dissertation please=]

If you complete this survey you will forever have my thanks. Which I know doesn't sound like much, considering you can't buy anything with it, but it really would mean a lot. Especially since my dissertation is due in next week!!!

Thank You

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Oh Bama, Oh Sama.

Obama is not to be confused with Osama. But that is just what has been happening all over my Facebook home page today.
 As everyone must be aware by now, (even if you are a deaf and blind mute I'm sure someone will have sorted out some Braille to keep you in the loop) Osama bin Laden was killed by American forces yesterday. I'm pretty sure that when one Facebook friend wrote: "obama dead! lets get the americans to deal with a few other troublesome people, cheryl cole, katie price and tracy emin would be a good start....", the mistake in the name was just a slip of his finger, across three keys and down one, on his keyboard. Because if not, this status is surely a pointed statement professing that Obama is as pointless to humanity as Katie Price.
 I won't deny that I am possibly the least politically informed person in the country, but even I realise that the current American President has achieved more in the grand scheme of things, than parachuting into an Australian jungle for two weeks of eating bugs or coming out of a manufactured girl band and befriending a number of big shot music moguls in order to gain solo success. 
A lot of speculation has been going around about the reliability of the claims of Osama bin Laden's death, with a lot of people claiming it is merely a way to gain votes in the upcoming elections. Even if that's the truth, leave Obama alone. It's obviously not enough that Donald Trump is accusing him of playing too much basketball ( he's just jealous he can't dunk) and that a bunch of narrow minded idiot's doubt his American citizenship. Oh Barrack, I believe you.