Monday 5 December 2011

Debenhams Free Christmas... Or Not!

I cannot believe that since I last posted on here I have graduated from University (with a 2:1 wooop), I left Swansea to move back in with my Dad in Caerphilly, and am now working full time in a job which does not involve working on a Sunday!!! I am now cherishing my weekends because for five full years the only time I could work was an evening or a weekend shift.

So, you would logically think that I would steer clear of the dreaded Debenhams, especially at this time of year. I would literally pull my hair out working in the retail industry during the weeks up to Christmas, and now I am free from the horrors of scarily serious shoppers and brainless bargain hunters it would make sense for me to do all of my Christmas shopping online.

I am ashamed to say that the lure of the Debenhams 30% "Gift Extravaganza" was too much for this shopper. Add to that the 10% extra off that the evil company was offering if I used my store card, and I had no hope of avoiding the place! Save three presents, come Christmas Day all of my friends and family will be the proud owners of a gift from Debenhams. And come the 28th December, I will be the horrified owner of an extortionate bill from the company that I just can't seem to leave, even after I have quit!

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